Brian Transplant

Horrorpunk Dice

A completely inane project for lyric writing

A 3-D rendering of a six-sided die showing the words abduct, consume, and possess

I created these cut-and-fold horrorpunk dice in 2019 to go along with my first cassette. For the 20-ish people who own one, they're included in the case.

If you've bought my self-titled EP on Bandcamp, these PDFs are also included in the download.

I've decided to make these files available to the general public, because the world needs more cheesy horrorpunk.

Download Horrorpunk Dice in PDF format Download Horrorpunk Dice in JPG format Download 3-D printable STL files

This ZIP file contains two sets of Noun and Verb dice. One set has fin supports to prevent possible errors during 3-D printing, and the other is is just the dice. The word "seduce" got changed to "tempt" on the Verb die, because I didn't want any weird looks if I got these 3-D printed at a library.

This entire page has been hand-coded, like in the old days. If you need to contact me for any reason, send an email or visit one of my social media accounts. Or try saying my name into a mirror three times.